Live the ultimate water filtration experience with Matrikx PB1 for filtration devices above the counter or under the counter. Engineered to deliver unparalleled performance, this state-of-the-art filtration system provides you and your family with clean, safe and great-tasting water.
Say goodbye to harmful pollutants as the Matrikx PB1 precisely tackles a range of impurities. It specializes in reducing PFAS, chlorine and chloramine, protecting your water from their adverse effects. Lead, a common concern in older plumbing systems, is effectively filtered out, ensuring your water remains free of this dangerous element.
Unpleasant odors and tastes will be a thing of the past, thanks to Matrikx PB1's excellent VOC reduction capabilities. It targets these compounds, which can affect both the taste and quality of your water, leaving you with a refreshing and clean drinking experience.
Matrikx PB1 advanced filtering
Worried about cysts like Cryptosporidium and Giardia. The Matrikx PB1 has you covered. Its advanced mechanical filtration system effectively captures and eliminates these harmful microorganisms, ensuring the health and well-being of you and your loved ones.
The 0.5 micron Matrikx PB1 filter ensures optimal water purification, effectively reducing sand, rust, sediment and other particles that may be present in the water supply. It pushes the boundaries, leaving you with crystal clear water that not only tastes great, but also enhances the performance and longevity of your appliances and plumbing.
Easy to install and compatible with most standard water filtration systems, the Matrikx PB1 water filter is a convenient and reliable choice for improving your water quality. The long life and high capacity design ensure cost-effective filtration, giving you peace of mind and a continuous supply of clean water.
Ελισσάβετ (verified owner) -
Very good and economical filter
very good filter!!!
Καλλιόπη (verified owner) -
Excellent product
ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΣ ΓΚΟΥΡΤΣΟΥΛΗΣ (verified owner) -
Αγοράζω το προϊόν σχεδόν αποκλειστικά από τη Waterfresh
ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ Π. (verified owner) -
Very good
Anonimen (verified owner) -
Super hitra dostava. Kvaliteten izdelek.
Δημήτρης Λ. (verified owner) -
ΜΑΝΘΟΣ ΓΙΑΝΝΙΗΣ (verified owner) -
Καλύπτει τις ανάγκες για καθαρό νερό στο σπίτι
Μαρία (verified owner) -
Πολύ καλή ποιότητα
ΝΙΚΟΣ ΒΓΕΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ (verified owner) -
Πολύ καλά φίλτρα και σε πολύ καλή τιμή
Φωτιος Κ. (verified owner) -
ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ (verified owner) -
Very good
Γεώργιος Συμιτλιωτης (verified owner) -
Πολύ καλο
spiros s. (verified owner) -
Χρήστος Πατσούρας (verified owner) -
Πολύ καλή τιμή
ΜΑΝΘΟΣ (verified owner) -
Ανώνυμος (verified owner) -
Γιώργος Γιαννούλας (verified owner) -
Πολύ καλό προϊόν
Μαρίνα Α. (verified owner) -
Το χρησιμοποιώ πολλά χρόνια και είμαι πολύ ευχαριστημένη
Δημήτριος Γ. (verified owner) -
Πολύ καλό φίλτρο. Αξίζει τα χρήματα του.
Εμμανουηλ Μαραμπουτακηs (verified owner) -
Very good product.
Βγάζει καταπληκτικά καθαρό νερό με ωραία γεύση χωρίς χλώριο.
Δημήτριος (verified owner) -
Πολύ καλό.
Ελευθερία Θ. (verified owner) -
Πολύ καλό προϊόν
ΚΩΣΤΑΣ (verified owner) -
ΗΛΙΑΣ ΚΑΖΟΣ (verified owner) -
Εξαιρετικό προιόν! Συνίσταται!
ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΑ Μ. (verified owner) -
Πολύ καλό.
Nikos Kottas (verified owner) -
Ολα τέλεια