The Eiger PP 10″ 5μm Polypropylene Replacement Filter is compatible with all devices over the counter or under-sink is a high performance water sediment cleaning filter. It has a 5 micron filtration rating, which means it is able to trap and remove small contaminants such as sediment, sand, silt, rust particles and scale particles from your water.
Polypropylene filters, often used as sediment filters, are designed to remove fine particles, sediment and rust from water. They are made from a synthetic material called polypropylene, which has excellent filtering properties. Polypropylene filters are commonly used as pre-filters to protect and extend the life of other filtration systems. They are affordable and easy to replace, which makes them an essential component in many water filtration devices.
ΦΡΕΝΤΙ ΓΚΡΑΜΟΣ (verified owner) -
Δημήτρης Αναστασόπουλος (verified owner) -
Κωνσταντίνα Η. (verified owner) -
Very good filter
Αθανάσιος Π. (verified owner) -
Very good. It holds more particles than the old one I had, which used thread to filter.
Ιωάννης Αντωνιάδης (verified owner) -
I had them last year too, they came out fine.
ΑΝΔΡΙΑΝΗ ΓΚΙΟΥΛΜΙΧΑΛΗ (verified owner) -
ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ ΕΥΘΥΜΙΑΔΗΣ (verified owner) -
panikos chari (verified owner) -
απίστευτη ταχύτητα αποστολης
Rostislav B. (verified owner) -
Άμεση παράδοση
ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΣ ΔΟΥΖΕΝΗΣ (verified owner) -
Αριστη τιμή και αποτέλεσμα
ΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ ΦΛΑΜΠΟΥΡΑΚΗΣ (verified owner) -
Επαγγελματίες στη δουλειά τούς
Πάνος Μ. (verified owner) -
Φίλτρο Νερού Eiger
Μαρία Μ. (verified owner) -
Όλα καλα
Δημήτρης Λελοβίτης (verified owner) -
Γιώργος Μαρματάκης (verified owner) -
Αντώνιος Δελίδης (verified owner) -
πολυ καλό για λασπη και χώμα
Στέφανος Κατσιμπράκης (verified owner) -
Πάρα πολύ καλό φίλτρο
Γιαννης Κ. (verified owner) -
Τέλειο προϊόν
ΞΑΝΘΟΥΛΑ ΚΑΠΕΛΑ (verified owner) -
Μπράβο σας !!
Πηνελοπη (verified owner) -
Εξαιρετικό προϊόν και οικονομικό
ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ Μ. (verified owner) -
ΚΩΣΤΑΣ (verified owner) -
ΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΑ Ε. (verified owner) -
Basic staff